Times are tough - When's the best time to buy reprinted cards?

From : #BeatTheBuylist - 25/09/2022

It's now been two months since the first packs of Double Masters 2 were cracked - The purpose of a "masters" set is (a license to print money) to use reprints to lower the prices of cards by introducing new supply into the market, but how well did it go?

If you're a new player who doesnt yet own a reprinted card - what should you do? When is the best time to buy if you want to spend the least money?

  1. TLDR - Gimme the headlines, I'm outta here
  2. How do you know a card will be reprinted?
  3. Scope - What are we looking at in this analysis?
  4. Detailed analysis by price and rarity

TLDR - Gimme the headlines, i'm busy...

If you're looking to buy a card is just about to get it's first ever reprint in a masters set - JUST WAIT. The price you would pay will absolutely ... plummet ... (Author's note for the future - don't try to shoehorn in lame puns with card names).

When to buy? What will I save (on average)?
Pre-order at the end of spoilers 43%
On the release date 63%
1 month after release 70%
2 months after release 73%

Obviously, things aren't quite that cut and dry - the average saving depends highly on the price of the card before it was spoiled, and the rarity. For further details, read the detailed analysis below.

How do you know a card will be reprinted?

  1. Look for the Gigantic warning banner on any pricing page on this site - EG Arcane Signet (at time of printing)
  2. "Rare" level premium members can click here to see all upcoming reprints on one page. (Sign up here)


This card is due to be reprinted in:

Warhammer 40,000 (40K)
on 2022-10-07

The current prices may change dramatically after a reprint!

Scope - what are we looking at?

There are exactly 999(!!!) different card variations in 2X2 (counting all foil, non foil, borderless etc etc). That's far too many - we'll be a bit more concise, and look at these:

  1. First time reprints - the card has one previous set printing (judge promos counted for this so we can't look at imperial seal this time)
  2. Non foil only - both original and new printing
  3. The original can be in any set, but the reprint was specifically in 2X2

With these constraints, our analysis covers 61 cards in total.

We'll also look at different price brackets and see what difference that makes.

Additional info

  1. All prices collated from this site (MTG Price Comparison @ BeatTheBuyList) - using a weighted average of retailer's price and quantity available that day (PS - not the TCGlow!) - please do check the rest of the site out!
  2. All the charts you see are interactive! Hover for more data, click and drag to pan/zoom, click on a line to remove cards, press the buttons above to filter - enjoy! (note : desktop viewing is best, but scales to mobile, dont worry!)

Detailed analysis - Price and Rarity

Expand the boxes below by clicking the headers - the chart will automatically update to filter on the right cards

You can also play around with the chart filters - press the blue buttons, hover, click and drag on the charts to select and zoom


Commons under 50c - Not much to discuss here - they're as cheap as they can be, any movement in price is just noise

Over 50c, you can make some savings by waiting - for the sake of a few cents, just go buy on release day, they wont get any cheaper

TLDR? Just get commons and uncommons whenever you like, it doesnt really matter that much!


Uncommons under 50c - Again, they're already super cheap, they'll hit the floor, you'll save a few cents

Over 50c, you can make some savings by waiting - for the sake of a few cents, just go buy on release day, they wont get any cheaper - 70% savings VS 53% 2 months later (a whopping 3c on average!)

Over $1 (Conclave Mentor and Dragon Arch), you'll save from 75% to 83% by waiting an additional 2 months - That's as much as 34c on a copy of Dragon Arch!

TLDR? Just get commons and uncommons whenever you like, it doesnt really matter that much!


Now we're looking at making some savings! Average cost of a rare goes from $6.51 on spoiler day to $2.34 on release date, and $1.08 two months after release

Higher value rares get hit harder by price drops - from 60% on low value to 86% on the higher end, with Drogskol Reaver and Mayael's Aria seeing 90%+ drops in price!

Spoiler Price $ @ Spoiler date $ @ Release $ after 1 month $ after 2 months Average Price
$0-$2 $1.35 $0.60
Release : $0.60
1 Month : $0.65
2 Months : $0.53
$2-$10 $3.94 $1.52
Release : $1.52
1 Month : $1.05
2 Months : $0.82
$10+ $13.73 $4.69
Release : $13.73
1 Month : $4.69
2 Months : $1.83

On average, we still see the same trend - good things come to those who wait - 64.3.9% at release, to 72.5% after 2 months

Interestingly, when you break it down by price, the trend stops working - the higher the initial price, the lower the savings get on the reprint - they're much closer together - admittedly, this is buoyed by the insane demand for one of the best cards in EDH - Dockside Extortionist, which is nearly at parity with it's original printing (5.8%) - but also seen for Allosaurus Shepherd, only dropping 39% after 2 months - if you pull a $50+ mythic in a pack, you're probably going to hold onto it for a while, supply on these will be much less

In the $100+ category, Warrior's Oath]] is on it's own - that drop doesnt really count as a trend. It was short printed in [s[Portal Three Kingdoms, and it's price is almost all due to speculation (PS - any card not on the reserve list, can and will be printed again at some point...buyer beware!)

Spoiler Price $ @ Spoiler date $ @ Release $ after 1 month $ after 2 months Average Price
$0-$10 $3.38 $1.05
Release : $1.05
1 Month : $0.55
2 Months : $0.49
$10-$50 $18.64 $6.94
Release : $6.94
1 Month : $5.47
2 Months : $4.09
$50-$100 $65.03 $49.21
Release : $49.21
1 Month : $53.96
2 Months : $51.2
$100+ $281.24 $48.12
Release : $48.12
1 Month : $18.66
2 Months : $13.78

Wrap up

I hope this was interesting to someone out there! I've tried to improve the readability of this article compared to the last - please, do give some feedback if you got this far.

Thanks again for reading, What other subjects would you like to look at? Let me know on social media (click the icons at the bottom of the page) or comment below.



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