"Reprints" are cards that already exist, and are about to be printed again into a new set. This matters because if enough new versions get printed, it is likely the price will drop substantially - important if you either own that card already, or for you wanting to get that card. This page will show you all the upcoming reprints, so you can make educated buying and selling decisions!
Brace yourself - these are likely to cause big price swings! These are Rares or Mythics in a standard, masters or commander set
Be prepared - current prices may or may not move dramatically with these releases - any promos, "bling", smaller releases, along with all commons and uncommons
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To search for a card or set, just type it into the search box at the top of the page
An ordinary search STARTS WITH your text.
Put a * infront of your text to search for all cards INCLUDING the word, eg :
"Vigor" returns Vigor, Vigor Mortis...
"*Vigor" returns Amulet of Vigor, Crown of Vigor...
Add the tag "s:" (or "set:" "e:" "edition:" which all do the same thing)
This tag can be before or after your card name, and does not apply to sets
"S:M19 shock" will return all variants of M19 shock - eg, foil, non foil
Use the tag "is:"
This tag can be before or after your card name, and does not apply to sets
Allowable finishes - Foil, NonFoil, Etched, NonEtched
Adding "is:foil" will return only FOIL variants of any results
Use the tag "cn:" (or "number:")
This tag returns only cards with the specified collector number
This suppresses any sets matching the text entered (as sets do not have a collector number)
Adding "cn:100" will return only cards with collector number 100