Did Magic 30th Anniversary Kill Reserved List Dual Land Prices?

From : #BeatTheBuylist - 04/11/2023

Dual Lands are the holy grail of MTG manabases. Necessary in Vintage, Legacy and cEDH (and other formats do exist that they're legal in!), and the ultimate UNnecessary flex in casual EDH, these "enter untapped, tap for either of two color" lands are the current best of the best - usually better than a basic land (barring blood moon and other such effects), a 2 color shockland without having to pay life, and brilliant fetchland targets (as they have both land types).

Name Colors
Tropical Island
Underground Sea
Volcanic Island

The problem is, they're on the MTG "Reserved List" (a list of cards from the 90's that WoTC have promised to never print again - some even say they're legally bound to this promise) - with no reprints, there's no way the supply can go up, which would bring prices down, so they're some of the most expensive cards available... .....WoTC : HOLD MY BEER!!!

The absolute debacle of the 30th Anniversary packs (the community enraging, reserve list loophole hitting, $1000 dollar packs of "non tournament legal proxy" reprints) is now firmly in our rear view mirror, where these cards DID actually get a "non legal", non magic backed reprint, with both modern and retro frames. Did it destroy the price as expected? Has the reserved list crumbled? lets find out...

  1. TLDR - Quick Overview
  2. Interactive Charts and Data
  3. Wrap Up


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TLDR - Quick Overview

Using data from major vendors, the conclusion is "No" - the Magic 30A reprint of dual lands didn't "kill the reserve list". Infact, prices were declining in the 6 months previous, and generally went up in the 6 months after the release. After that however, prices have indeed continued to drop.

Likely this is somewhat caused by the ever present entrenched player draining out, and selling up (wallet fatigue, too many releases, relentless spoilers, endless chase variants to capture the "whales", etc etc), with some degree of speculator broken trust, but more likely, it's wider than MTG - the world economy has been broken for some time - luxury goods sometimes have to be sold to pay for more important things, like overpriced food and rent.

I think that the 30A controversy actually temporarily propped up the sales by bringing those cards into people's minds, but the hype cycle being as quick as it is, the bump was only temporary - people move on quickly to the new hotness (or controversy that's killing Magic), and the COVID-19 collectables bubble is well and truely over.

Average prices of dual lands by set, with all comparisons made to the A30 release date - we can see that all sets are down significantly from the peak around May 2022, with Alpha showing the biggest drop at nearly 30%(!!)

Name $ @ 2022-01-01 $ -6months $ @ 30A release $ +6 months $ Now (Oct 4th) $ Prices
Alpha (LEA) $2,134.60
$4,653.32 $5,182.78
2022-01-01 : $2,134.60
-6months : $5,304.85
30A release : $4,653.32
+6months : $5,182.78
now : $3,345.92
Beta (LEB) $1,805.41
$2,869.00 $3,169.06
2022-01-01 : $1,805.41
-6months : $3,747.59
30A release : $2,869.00
+6months : $3,169.06
now : $2,247.07
Unlimited (2ED) $390.66
$657.83 $599.87
2022-01-01 : $390.66
-6months : $803.38
30A release : $657.83
+6months : $599.87
now : $537.72
Revised (3ED) $320.47
$270.48 $284.80
2022-01-01 : $320.47
-6months : $310.58
30A release : $270.48
+6months : $284.80
now : $249.91

Charts and Data

(On mobile? looks best in landscape!)

All percentage differences are in comparison to the retail price at release of M30A. Click on any set below to get the detail. The chart above is interactive!

LEA - Alpha

Fun Fact! Volcanic Island wasn't printed in Alpha, because the art wasn't ready at time of printing - SO THEY JUST LEFT OUT ONE DUAL LAND!

Name $ @ 2022-01-01 $ -6months $ @ 30A release $ +6 months $ Now $ Prices
Badlands $881.55
$4,147.40 $4,569.25
2022-01-01 : $881.55
-6months : $4,021.57
30A release : $4,147.40
+6months : $4,569.25
now : $2,786.25
Bayou $438.86
$3,271.00 $2,988.32
2022-01-01 : $438.86
-6months : $4,021.57
30A release : $3,271.00
+6months : $2,988.32
now : $2,548.36
Plateau $1,436.23
$2,939.16 $3,039.16
2022-01-01 : $1,436.23
-6months : $3,829.71
30A release : $2,939.16
+6months : $3,039.16
now : $1,882.28
Savannah $1,032.30
$3,298.25 $3,704.50
2022-01-01 : $1,032.30
-6months : $3,553.42
30A release : $3,298.25
+6months : $3,704.50
now : $2,676.20
Scrubland $478.75
$3,444.75 $3,927.25
2022-01-01 : $478.75
-6months : $3,366.28
30A release : $3,444.75
+6months : $3,927.25
now : $2,293.08
Taiga $4,620.00
$3,508.83 $3,825.50
2022-01-01 : $4,620.00
-6months : $4,305.71
30A release : $3,508.83
+6months : $3,825.50
now : $2,171.01
Tropical Island $1,787.66
$6,116.00 $6,178.50
2022-01-01 : $1,787.66
-6months : $6,777.14
30A release : $6,116.00
+6months : $6,178.50
now : $4,006.19
Tundra $2,244.12
$4,983.00 $6,516.00
2022-01-01 : $2,244.12
-6months : $6,970.00
30A release : $4,983.00
+6months : $6,516.00
now : $4,463.43
Underground Sea $6,291.96
$10,171.50 $11,896.50
2022-01-01 : $6,291.96
-6months : $10,898.28
30A release : $10,171.50
+6months : $11,896.50
now : $7,286.46
Average $2,134.60
$4,653.32 $5,182.78
2022-01-01 : $2,134.60
-6months : $5,304.85
30A release : $4,653.32
+6months : $5,182.78
now : $3,345.92
LEB - Beta
Name $ @ 2022-01-01 $ -6months $ @ 30A release $ +6 months $ Now $ Prices
Badlands $884.08
$1,957.43 $2,233.23
2022-01-01 : $884.08
-6months : $2,584.59
30A release : $1,957.43
+6months : $2,233.23
now : $1,771.23
Bayou $383.01
$2,689.09 $2,535.17
2022-01-01 : $383.01
-6months : $2,751.53
30A release : $2,689.09
+6months : $2,535.17
now : $1,831.09
Plateau $598.45
$2,127.83 $2,108.98
2022-01-01 : $598.45
-6months : $2,431.51
30A release : $2,127.83
+6months : $2,108.98
now : $1,526.30
Savannah $897.68
$1,505.95 $1,649.67
2022-01-01 : $897.68
-6months : $2,184.65
30A release : $1,505.95
+6months : $1,649.67
now : $1,288.20
Scrubland $711.05
$1,767.19 $2,153.04
2022-01-01 : $711.05
-6months : $2,337.68
30A release : $1,767.19
+6months : $2,153.04
now : $1,479.51
Taiga $1,978.80
$2,539.75 $3,075.25
2022-01-01 : $1,978.80
-6months : $2,655.65
30A release : $2,539.75
+6months : $3,075.25
now : $1,310.50
Tropical Island $1,496.15
$3,277.75 $3,271.95
2022-01-01 : $1,496.15
-6months : $4,063.85
30A release : $3,277.75
+6months : $3,271.95
now : $1,794.58
Tundra $1,667.70
$2,485.71 $3,034.21
2022-01-01 : $1,667.70
-6months : $3,372.57
30A release : $2,485.71
+6months : $3,034.21
now : $1,896.52
Underground Sea $3,826.92
$4,690.87 $4,892.77
2022-01-01 : $3,826.92
-6months : $6,084.14
30A release : $4,690.87
+6months : $4,892.77
now : $4,007.19
Volcanic Island $5,610.27
$5,648.42 $6,736.33
2022-01-01 : $5,610.27
-6months : $9,009.71
30A release : $5,648.42
+6months : $6,736.33
now : $5,565.59
Average $1,805.41
$2,869.00 $3,169.06
2022-01-01 : $1,805.41
-6months : $3,747.59
30A release : $2,869.00
+6months : $3,169.06
now : $2,247.07
2ED - Unlimited
Name $ @ 2022-01-01 $ -6months $ @ 30A release $ +6 months $ Now $ Prices
Badlands $250.72
$480.73 $489.44
2022-01-01 : $250.72
-6months : $632.56
30A release : $480.73
+6months : $489.44
now : $426.43
Bayou $261.22
$561.61 $538.06
2022-01-01 : $261.22
-6months : $579.17
30A release : $561.61
+6months : $538.06
now : $473.37
Plateau $372.67
$530.85 $520.95
2022-01-01 : $372.67
-6months : $699.37
30A release : $530.85
+6months : $520.95
now : $446.93
Savannah $224.66
$352.03 $383.68
2022-01-01 : $224.66
-6months : $480.41
30A release : $352.03
+6months : $383.68
now : $332.19
Scrubland $310.78
$412.25 $416.94
2022-01-01 : $310.78
-6months : $789.33
30A release : $412.25
+6months : $416.94
now : $336.01
Taiga $287.30
$535.93 $461.40
2022-01-01 : $287.30
-6months : $650.06
30A release : $535.93
+6months : $461.40
now : $413.81
Tropical Island $562.19
$874.82 $674.23
2022-01-01 : $562.19
-6months : $985.45
30A release : $874.82
+6months : $674.23
now : $524.68
Tundra $510.26
$767.68 $611.55
2022-01-01 : $510.26
-6months : $797.19
30A release : $767.68
+6months : $611.55
now : $622.34
Underground Sea $549.83
$1,021.20 $956.69
2022-01-01 : $549.83
-6months : $1,161.13
30A release : $1,021.20
+6months : $956.69
now : $876.74
Volcanic Island $576.92
$1,041.17 $945.71
2022-01-01 : $576.92
-6months : $1,259.08
30A release : $1,041.17
+6months : $945.71
now : $924.66
Average $390.66
$657.83 $599.87
2022-01-01 : $390.66
-6months : $803.38
30A release : $657.83
+6months : $599.87
now : $537.72
3ED - Revised
Name $ @ 2022-01-01 $ -6months $ @ 30A release $ +6 months $ Now $ Prices
Badlands $193.21
$231.21 $247.10
2022-01-01 : $193.21
-6months : $255.26
30A release : $231.21
+6months : $247.10
now : $215.73
Bayou $306.58
$257.85 $263.41
2022-01-01 : $306.58
-6months : $305.61
30A release : $257.85
+6months : $263.41
now : $230.00
Plateau $196.31
$182.28 $190.79
2022-01-01 : $196.31
-6months : $198.82
30A release : $182.28
+6months : $190.79
now : $175.64
Savannah $235.65
$201.09 $204.92
2022-01-01 : $235.65
-6months : $221.88
30A release : $201.09
+6months : $204.92
now : $171.23
Scrubland $232.45
$184.15 $195.35
2022-01-01 : $232.45
-6months : $224.66
30A release : $184.15
+6months : $195.35
now : $180.01
Taiga $256.16
$205.06 $214.07
2022-01-01 : $256.16
-6months : $242.37
30A release : $205.06
+6months : $214.07
now : $177.74
Tropical Island $387.57
$320.36 $336.05
2022-01-01 : $387.57
-6months : $371.70
30A release : $320.36
+6months : $336.05
now : $279.01
Tundra $315.67
$290.77 $296.28
2022-01-01 : $315.67
-6months : $319.41
30A release : $290.77
+6months : $296.28
now : $247.01
Underground Sea $556.70
$414.90 $445.44
2022-01-01 : $556.70
-6months : $515.32
30A release : $414.90
+6months : $445.44
now : $423.81
Volcanic Island $524.41
$417.14 $454.62
2022-01-01 : $524.41
-6months : $450.78
30A release : $417.14
+6months : $454.62
now : $398.96
Average $320.47
$270.48 $284.80
2022-01-01 : $320.47
-6months : $310.58
30A release : $270.48
+6months : $284.80
now : $249.91

Wrap up

Thanks again for reading - what other subjects would you like to look at? Let me know on social media (click the icons at the bottom of the page) or comment below!.

All prices are from this site - the best MTG Buylist comparison site for both selling AND buying magic cards.

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