Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines - Is she a problem?

From : #BeatTheBuylist - 24/12/2022

This week, Sheldon Menery revealed that TWO members of the EDH "Rules Committee" wrote to Wizards of the Coast to ask them not to print the new Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines, on the basis that it is "generically good" - the mana cost is too cheap for the value you get, therefore, you'd be mad not to "auto-include" it in every EDH deck it could go in - even if you only get use of one of the abiliities

Mitch over at the Commander's Quarters has the totally opposite opinion - you wouldn't throw this into a deck unless you had specifically a blink or ETB heavy deck to take advantage of both abilities and get maximum synergy.

Yes, its a very good card - what's not to love? One part Panharmonicon, and one part Torpor Orb, but who's take is closest overall? Lets take a look at some data and find out!

Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines -
Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Praetor - Mythic (ONE)

4/7 Vigilance

If a permanent entering the battlefield causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time.
Permanents entering the battlefield don't cause abilities of permanents your opponents control to trigger.

  1. Enters the battlefield?
  2. Panhar-Mommy-Con
  3. A Love / Hate relationship...
  4. Should Elesh Norn be banned?

Enters the battlefield?

Just how many cards with an Enter the battlefield effect are there in EDH?

Of all cards, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines shuts down just below 11% of cards in the format

Of all cards played in the top 100 commander's average deck lists, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines shuts down a slightly higher percentage - just above 11% of all cards

Very slightly higher again, Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines interacts positively with 12% of the most popular cards where she can legally slot into the 99.

New cards with an ETB effect on them are increasing year on year (from 1% in 1993 to 11% in 2013 to 16% in 2023) - Elesh Norn is only going to get BETTER with time.

Looking at these charts, I feel like it isn't an autoinclude by any means. The average white deck will have roughly 12 cards that synergise with Elesh Norn - its good, but it's not GREAT.

Show Panhar-Mommy-Con some love

...If a permanent entering the battlefield causes a triggered ability of a permanent you control to trigger, that ability triggers an additional time

So if it isn't an autoinclude, where IS Elesh Norn going to end up? Who loves ETB effects?

It's absolutely no surprise that the top decks are blink themed, but the high synergy scores drop off quite quickly after the top 3. Queen Marchesa at No 4 is even a 'nonbo' - you can't become the Monarch twice!

A Love / Hate relationship...

Yes, making your own triggers double up is fun. But crushing your enemies? WAY more fun!

...Permanents entering the battlefield don't cause abilities of permanents your opponents control to trigger

As a Yarok, the Desecrated player, i wouldn't be best pleased to see a Torpor Orb in the command zone. My only way to get involved in the game at all if Elesh was on the board would be to rely on politics and get other people more removal heavy to help out - not ideal in any way (in b4 - "run more removal" or "Git Gud, Scrub!" - yes, I know, I dont think it's a massive issue - i've seen a Torpor Orb ONCE in my EDH history)

Interestingly, the Stax side of Elesh Norn is more synergistic with the popular meta. Sorry Simic inclusive commanders, but you're going to struggle here!

This is exactly what the Rules Committee doesnt like. Being oppressive is much worse for overall format fun level/health than overpowering your own board.

So, Should Elesh Norn be banned?

I'm in agreement with Mitch @ The Commander's quarters for this one - I say No. It's strong in pretty much only blink decks, and OK in others (but I expect not strong enough to make the cut). Sure, it creates some unfun play patterns, but its a creature, and can be removed - by hook or by crook if necessary! It also costs 5 mana, and doesnt combo off with the drop of a hat (looking at you Dockside Extortionist)!

Wrap up

Thanks again for reading - what other subjects would you like to look at? Let me know on social media (click the icons at the bottom of the page) or comment below!.

Shout out to EDHRec - thanks for the data, you guys are AMAZING!



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